mission briefing
Just after the Reykjavik talks have brought us closer to nuclear disarmament, we get this intel from one of our contacts in the Soviet Union: There seems to be a disgruntled hardliner who is not too keen on seeing the blocks coming closer together.
Judging by the information we have, this mission is as tricky as it is dangerous. If we can’t solve this, we’re heading towards a massive geopolitical catastrophe!
Sounds like an assignment just for you, doesn’t it? After all, we don’t call you the "Moscow Mule" for nothing.
If you’re successful with this one, the next trip to your beloved New Orleans is on me, Dan.
Jeffrey Bolton
Central Intelligence Bureau Director
In addition to a whole range of modern, as well as tried and tested
weapons (and cigarettes), you will be provided with some gadgets developed by our technical department.
Particularly noteworthy is our brand new FieldPad ("z-Halmug-90") and the prototype of our concealed lighter pistol. Our tech guys refer to it as "fire in the whole" but I strongly oppose to that name.
Jeffrey Bolton
Central Intelligence Bureau Director
The FieldPad will be a vastly handy tool in the field.
Just make sure you don't lose it!
On your missions you will surely mount one or the other vehicle. But don't get too excited: We're mainly talking about derelict Soviet machinery. So you'll be lucky if these things even start in the first place.
Now remember - automatic transmition is not really "a thing" behind the Iron Curtain. So you may want to invest in one or two driving lessons to refresh your memory on driving with a stick.
Jeffrey Bolton
Central Intelligence Bureau Director
You can use everything that's on wheels or tracks. If you have the keys...
Every decent agent needs some tunes. Here you can have a listen of what yours will sound like
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